Another Year, Another Resolution?

With the holiday season behind us, many of us are thinking about our new year’s resolutions. At least those of us who believe in making resolutions.

The most common resolution people make is to lose weight. And not surprisingly, many end up failing. Although it is often not due to lack of trying.

The reasons are many. Setting unrealistic goals, lack of planning, and the fact that we hate (and often resist) change, are just a few reasons.

Setting realistic goals for yourself is crucial. Try to make one small change each week. For example, drink more water (and less soda or other sugary beverages) or take short walks (or doing something active).

Try swapping out something you love that’s unhealthy with a healthier option. For example, instead of having ice cream, try some frozen yogurt (ideally a low sugar option).

Be prepared by having all the ingredients you need to make a healthy meal. Try one new recipe each week and consider foods you’ve never tried before.

Most importantly, don’t think of your weight loss or fitness goals as a new year’s resolution. Think of it as adopting new, healthy habits.