Choosing the Best Weight Loss Foods for Men 

One of the challenges men face when trying to lose weight deals with meal size, or portion size. This is also called the portion-size effect. It occurs when people eat more food because it is offered, even if it is not needed. [1]

The Importance of Protein

In order to keep your body lean and muscular, and to help you feel full and satisfied, the focus should be on protein. “One thing I take into account for a goal of weight loss in men is lean protein intake,” says Jason Ewoldt, RDN, LD, wellness dietitian at the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program. He adds that he doesn’t necessarily focus on increasing protein intake but on choosing the right type of protein. “Men tend to have more lean muscle tissue,” he says, “so it’s important to ensure adequate intake of amino acids to preserve lean tissue while at the same time increasing feelings of fullness.”[2]

Complete proteins, such as meat, fish, poultry and dairy foods, including eggs, and other proteins such as soy, quinoa, chia seeds, buckwheat, and flax seeds offer all essential amino acids. These foods provide amino acids important for general health as well as for the production and maintenance of lean muscle mass.

For more information on making healthy food choices, tips for meal planning, recipes, and much more, check out Canada’s Food Guide listed in our Resources section or click here.

1.Almiron-Roig, E., et al. A review of evidence supporting current strategies, challenges, and opportunities to reduce portion sizesNutrition Reviews, Volume 78, Issue 2, February 2020, Pages 91–114. doi:10.1093/nutrit/nuz047

2.Malia Frey, reviewed by Jonathan Valdez, RDN, CDE, CPT, How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Foods for, Updated on April 7, 2020