Weight Loss Mistakes

You’re exercising and eating right (or what you think is right), but somehow you think you’re failing. Here are some common weight loss mistakes you might be making.

Expecting results too quickly – this can be especially true if you are older since your metabolism slows down as you age. How to fix this? Be patient and be realistic. Remember that you didn’t gain it overnight, so you are not going to lose it overnight.

Expecting the number on the scale to always go down – it is completely normal to hit a plateau every now and then. The fix? Focus on how much energy you have or on how your clothes are fitting you. Try increasing the intensity and/or duration of your workouts. Or consider a different exercise routine.

Expecting everyone around you to be on board – while it would be nice for your family and friends to be supportive of your weight loss efforts, this isn’t always the case. Your partner, family members or friends may feel like they’re losing their eating buddy, or they might be a bit envious of your progress. The fix? Focus on your goals and try not to let them sabotage your efforts.

Expecting that you won’t make mistakes – we are all human, we make mistakes from time to time. Maybe you’ve let you healthy eating habits slide, or you’ve skipped too many workouts. The fix? Try to remember your reasons for starting your weight loss journey and get back to it.

Keeping a food diary or journal might be helpful in case you decide to consult with a dietitian or nutritionist.

Before making any drastic changes to your diet or exercise routine, you may want to speak to your health care provider.